After PASOLINI – Visions of Today

After PASOLINI - Vision of Today
4 settembre - 4 ottobre 2020
Center for Contemporary Art Plovdiv, The Ancient Bath
After PASOLINI - Vision of Today
4 settembre - 4 ottobre 2020
Center for Contemporary Art Plovdiv, The Ancient Bath
The Art Today Association – Center for Contemporary Art Plovdiv is proud to announce the group exhibition After PASOLINI – Visions of Today, bringing together in the Ancient Bath a variety of works by leading contemporary artists investigating the life and works of acclaimed influential Italian filmmaker, author, poet, and political activist, Pier Paolo Pasolini
Francesco Arena, Elisabetta Benassi, Rada Boukova, Julian Cole, Nina Fischer & Maroan el Sani, Pravdoliub Ivanov, Alfredo Jaar, Bouchra Khalili, Fabio Mauri, Milo Rau, Lili Reynaud-Dewar, Krassimir Terziev, Ming Wong, Cerith Wyn Evans, David Wojnarowicz, Allegories of power (Deborah Imogen Beer & Gabriella Angheleddu, Karl-Heinz Dellwo, Fabien Vitali