Der Politische Ventilator

Fabio Mauri
Achille Mauri, Krachmalnicoff, Milano
Der Politische Ventilator
Rare artist’s book published by Krachmalnicoff, Milan 1973. Account of the exhibition / installations / performances presented from 1971 to 1973: Amore mio [My love], Che cosa è il fascism [What fascism is], Ebrea [Jewess], Vomitare sulla Grecia [Throwing up on Greece]. With published and unpublished texts by: Furio Colombo, Elisabetta Rasy, Eugenio Battisti, Maurizio Calvesi, Filiberto Menna, Bruno Zevi, Tullio Catalano, Giorgio Pressburger, Achille Bonito Oliva, Renato Barilli and others.