Io sono un ariano

Io sono un ariano
The images contained in Io sono un ariano [I am an Aryan] symbolically represent – in the form of examples or segments - a number of ideas born one after the other or as a way to correct an analytical system which rarely leaves his works: “I have, in all seriousness, experienced life”, the author seems to say. The search for a condition of truth is constantly present; even if reassuring, what seems to be true can also be dangerous, and can hide a cruelty which reveals a common form of thought. In Mauri, “hope” is never divided from the endeavour to overcome the obstructing incidents that foster excessive pessimism. With an almost classical sense of proportions, Mauri counterbalances his work with opposites signs, with more tranquil and happy havens.
Mauri doesn’t know whether this is a virtue or a flaw: the body of his work doesn’t reproduce a single aspect of life but life (especially modern life) in general. Was this the end? If there are doubts this means that something worked, Mauri answers (or thinks).
It is hard to explain why: the writing of the book explicitly suggests this solution.