On Screens - Homage to Fabio Mauri (1926-2009)

Claudio Cantelmi
Studio Fabio Mauri
On Screens - Homage to Fabio Mauri (1926-2009)
Schermo-Disegno ,1957, Disegno schermo fine, 1962 and Schermo con pubblico, 1962 are Fabio Mauri’s work which inspired this screenbook. With the words The End and Fine, with the black strip, the black rounded-shaped screen and the black cutouts of the audience, each of which is serigraphed on acetate and printed on paper, by turning the pages it is possible to compose and decompose the works, as well as to create new ones. In this way the schermolibro turns into a schermocubo, schermoplastico or schermodinamico.