Intellettuale, 1975: Fabio Mauri’s Projection Work “Il Vangelo secondo Matteo di/su Pier Paolo Pasolini”

Intellettuale, 1975: Fabio Mauri’s Projection Work “Il Vangelo secondo Matteo di/su Pier Paolo Pasolini”
Field Seminar and Workshop
Monday, March 14, 2022
In 1975, Fabio Mauri realized his famous work Intellettuale, projec- ting Pasolini’s entire film Il vangelo secondo Matteo (1964) upon him. A visit to Studio Fabio Mauri, Associazione per l‘Arte L‘Esperimento del Mondo, will be followed by a workshop in Villino Stroganoff fo- cusing on a close reading of Fabio Mauri’s Intellettuale (1975), led by Fabien Vitali (LMU München) and Ivan Barlafante (Studio Fabio Mau- ri). This event opens with a studio visit to Studio Fabio Mauri, led by Mauri’s former assistants Dora Aceto, Ivan Barlafante, Marcella Cam- pitelli, Claudio Cantelmi, Sara Codutti and Sandro Mele. The after- noon workshop at Villino Stroganoff is dedicated to a close reading and discussion of Mauri’s Intellettuale. Il vangelo secondo Matteo di/ su Pier Paolo Pasolini. It opens with an extract of Mauri’s performance video Intimità di Pasolini (2005), followed by an introductory talk by Fabien Vitali and remarks on Fabio Mauri’s projections by Ivan Bar- lafante, Dora Aceto and Sara Codutti. Fabien Vitali will act as a dis- cussant to the following round table discussion and close reading of Intellettuale. Participants are asked to deliver short remarks on diffe- rent aspects in order to jointly assess specificities of this work of art.