Zerbini (2009)
The Zerbini [Doormats], are presented in 2009 during the exhibition Fabio Mauri, etc at the Galleria Michela Rizzo in Venice.
Some of the works are: Lo zerbino ariano [The Aryan doormat], Studio Bocchi, Rome, 1995; then the L’ospite armeno [The Armenian guest], Venice, 2001; and also Lo zerbino Insolubile [The insoluble doormat], galleria Martano, Turin, 2008.
Mauri scatters thoughts, words, considerations across the floor, and the audience can read and walk on them. They are a metaphor for our incomplete mental processes. They are meaningful because they are inside the thought: when walking on them, it is not possible not to be inside their meaning. The Zerbini show signs of daily reflection. They reject, but, at the same time, they bring us closer to experiencing something which is similar to the real state of things, i.e. to a truth which is always a metaphor for larger or smaller, shorter or more certain truths. (Dora Aceto)
Exhibition dates and venues
1995 – Arierwiege, Studio Bocchi, Rome (Lo zerbino ariano)
2001 – L’ospite armeno [The Armenian guest], Gardens of Palazzo Zenobio and Loggia del Temanza, Venice (L'ospite armeno)
2008 - Fabio Mauri: L’Insolubile [Fabio Mauri: The insoluble], Galleria Martano, Turin, curated by Liliana Dematteis (Lo zerbino insolubile)
2009 - Fabio Mauri, etc., Galleria Michela Rizzo, Venice, curated by Martina Cavallarin
– Fabio Mauri, GC.AC – Galleria Comunale d’Arte Contemporanea di Monfalcone, Monfalcone, curated by Andrea Bruciati
2012 – dOCUMENTA (13), Hauptbahnhof, Kassel, directed by Carolyn Christov Bakargiev
– Fabio Mauri - The End, Palazzo Reale, Milano, curated by Francesca Alfano Miglietti
2013 – Amore e Psiche, la favola dell'anima, Palazzo Barolo, Turin, curated by Elena Fontanella
2014 – Fabio Mauri, Fondaciòn PROA, Buenos Aires, curated by Giacinto Di Pietrantonio
– Fabio Mauri. Etica e estetica, Castello di Rivoli Museo d'Arte Contemporanea, Turin, curated by Massimo Melotti
2015 – Fabio Mauri I WAS NOT NEW, Galleria Hauser&Wirth, New York, curated by Olivier Renaud-Clément
2016 – Attraverso parole, Fondazione La Verde La Malfa, San Giovanni La Punta , curated by Giuseppina Radice
– Fabio Mauri Retrospettiva a luce solida, Museo MADRE, Napoli, curated by Laura Cherubini and Andrea Viliani
2017 – FABIO MAURI (SENZA ARTE), Galleria Bergamin & Gomide, San Paolo, Brazil, curated by Olivier Renaud-Clément
– Fabio Mauri, Villa Medici, Rome
– Il tempo e le opere, Museo della Grafica - Palazzo Lanfranchi, Pisa, curated by Massimo Melotti
2019 – Mauri | Muntadas, Galleria Michela Rizzo, Venezia, curated by Laura Cherubini
– Fabio Mauri: The End, Heart Museum, Herning, curated by Michael Bank Christoffersen
2020 – ROSTA: Perchè un pensiero intossica una stanza?, New Galerie, Paris, curated by Olivier Renaud-Clément