Ebrea (1971)
Ebrea [Jewess] debuted in October 1971 at the Barozzi Gallery in Venice.
An unusual collection of object-sculptures introduces the ordinary elements of every-day life.
Their titles, carved into metal plaques, reveal the grave nature of the objects that pretend to be of human origin: Jewish teeth, skin, hair, bones.
Furio Colombo and Renato Barilli present Mauri’s exhibition.
Work of art among works of art, the protagonist of this sacred scene is a young woman who chops off locks of her hair and uses them to draw a Star of David on the mirror in front of her. The same symbol is also branded on her chest, along with a number: the mark of racial discrimination.
The artistic expression of these works clashes with the horrific reality which is evoked.
Ebrea has an explicit and radical ideological connotation, with a strong accent not only on the negative aspects of Nazi German, but also - in a different measure - on the entire European culture that, for enigmatic, almost mysterious historical reasons that still require an in-depth analysis, did not react strongly nor promptly. (Dora Aceto)
Exhibition dates and venues (installation and performance)
1971 – Galleria Barozzi, Venice
– Galleria Acme Studio, Brescia
– Galleria La Steccata, Parma
– Galleria La Salita, Rome
1972 – Tra rivolta e rivoluzione. Immagine e progetto [Between riot and revolution. Image and project], Museo Civico, Bologna, curated by Franco Solmi
1974 - Galleria Cenobio Visualità, Milan
– Ghenos Eros Thanatos, Galleria de’ Foscherari, Bologna, curated by Alberto Boatto
– "...que bien resiste!": L'idea di resistenza nell'arte contemporanea europea, Villa Manzoni, Lecco (Ebrea [Sinossi])
1975 – Il corpo come linguaggio, Teatro Laboratorio, Naples
1978 - Metafisica del quotidiano [The metaphysics of everyday life], Galleria Comunale d’Arte Moderna, Bologna, curated by Franco Solmi
– Artist in Residence, Western Front Society, Vancouver, Canada
1981 – Linee della ricerca artistica in Italia 1960-1980, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome, curated by Nello Ponente (Finimenti in pelle ebrea)
1989 – Metessi, Galleria Lidia Carrieri, curated by Gabriele Perretta
1991 – 60-90: Trent'anni di avanguardie romane, Palazzo dei Congressi, Rome, curated by Laura Cherubini e Arnaldo Romani Brizzi (Saponi)
1992 – Studio Casoli, Milan
– Molteplici Culture [Multiple Cultures], Convento di S. Egidio, Rome, curated by Carolyn Christov Bakargiev
1993 – I punti cardinali dell’arte [The cardinal points of art], 45th Venice Biennale, Venice, curated by Achille Bonito Oliva (performance)
1994 – Retrospective Fabio Mauri. Opere e Azioni 1954-1994 [Fabio Mauri. Works and Actions 1954-1994], National Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art, Rome, curated by Carolyn Christov Bakargiev, supervised by Augusta Monferini (performance)
– Four Italian Masters of Contemporary Art, Smith’s Gallery, London
1995 – Il sogno del cavallo [The horse’s dream], Rassegna Internazionale d’Arte Contemporanea, Cassero Senese, Grosseto, curated by Giorgio Celli (Finimenti in pelle ebrea)
1996 – Jewish Works, Avivson Gallery, London
1997 – Orangerie Festival, Geneva, curated Marina Engel (performance)
– Retrospective Das Böse und das Schöne. Kunsthalle, Klagenfurt
1998 – 20 Mostre a La Salita del 1960 al 1978 [20 Exhibitions at La Salita, 1960-1978], Spazio per l’Arte Contemporanea, Tor Bella Monaca, Rome, curated by Daniela Lancioni
1999 – Collane e Perle della Galleria La Salita [Necklaces and Pearls of the Galleria La Salita], Istituto Nazionale per la Grafica, Rome
2001 – Belvedere Italiano - Linee di tendenza dell’arte italiana dal 1945 al 2001 [Italian Belvedere - Trends in the Italian art from 1945 to 2001], Castello Ujazdowskie, Warsaw, curated by Achille Bonito Oliva
– Voice, Image, Gesture: section from The Jewish Museum’s Collections 1945-2000, Jewish Museum, New York (Armadietto)
2002 – Ipotesi di collezione [Hypothetical collection], Galleria Comunale d’Arte Moderna, Rome (Sedia in pelle ebrea + Post-progetto)
2003 – Retrospective L’Ecran Mental, Studio Nacional des Arts Contemporains, Le Fresnoy Lille, curated by Dominique Paini
2004 – Ori d’Artista. Il gioiello nell’arte Italiana 1900-2004 [Artists’ gold. Jewellery in the Italian art, 1900-2004], Museo del Corso, Rome
– Attraversare Genova. Percorsi e linguaggi del contemporaneo anni ’60-’70 [Crossing Genoa. Contemporary pathways and languages of the 60s-70s], Museo d’Arte Contemporanea di Villa Croce, Genoa, curated by Sandra Solimano
2005 - 5th International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Teatro Sociale / GAMeC - Galleria d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Bergamo, curated by Giacinto di Pietrantonio
2007 – Il triangolo rosa, Centro Culturale Cappella Orsini, Rome, curated by Roberto Lucifero
2008 – Theaters Of Memory: Art And The Holocaust, The Jewish Museum, New York (Armadietto)
2009 – Culture And Continuity: The Jewish Journey, The Jewish Museum, New York (Armadietto)
– Metessi 2: una storia in cerca di diversità impreviste, Palazzo Barnaba, Martina Franca, curated by Gabriele Perretta (Sedia in pelle ebrea + Post-progetto)
2012 – Fabio Mauri, THE END, Royal Palace of Milan, curated by Francesca Alfano Miglietti
2013 – L'arte è un romanzo, Palazzo della Penna, Perugia, curated by Luca Beatrice
– Visione Animale, Fortezza borbonica di Civitella, Civitella del Tronto, curated by Giacinto di Pietrantonio (Finimenti in pelle ebrea)
2014 – Fabio Mauri, Fondaciòn PROA, Buenos Aires, curated by Giacinto Di Pietrantonio
2015 – Fabio Mauri I WAS NOT NEW, Hauser&Wirth Gallery, New York, curated by Olivier Renaud-Clément
2016 – Fabio Mauri Retrospettiva a luce solida, Museo MADRE, Napoli, curated by di Laura Cherubini e Andrea Viliani
– Fabio Mauri: Arte per legittima difesa, GAMeC, Bergamo, curated by Giacinto di Pietrantonio (performance)
2020 – Fabio Mauri. Solo, Museo del Novecento, Firenze, curated by Giovanni Iovane, Sergio Risaliti
Ebrea 1971
Ebrea può essere un debito pagato oggi a un tempo oggi chiuso. Può darsi. Quando (1945) anch'io mi trovai di fronte al totale storico di un'operazione intellettuale fondata su un elaborato sistema di[...]
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